Oscar is a excellent installation coordinator, a great communicator and now a local HERO. Oscar was honored by our local King County sheriffs dept., by being presented with the MERITORIOUS SERVICE AWARD by none other than the sheriff herself. He was picked up and escorted to the presentation by officer friendly himself. First time he got to ride in the front of a cruiser. see pic. of both outside of our of Seattle store.
Below is copy of an article that ran in a recent copy of the Stranger,written by David Schmader. It talks about our hero and why he won this award.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 Attentive readers will recall the Metro bus saga of May 2008, when a man inflamed by mental illness and/or religious fervor boarded a bus and began beating a fellow passenger, who happened to be a blind woman. Reporting from the scene: Hot Tipper Oscar, aka Oscar Grey, who rushed to the woman's aid and, with the help of his fellow passengers, restrained the crazy clobberer until cops arrived. Today brings a most gratifying coda to this story, courtesy once again of Hot Tipper Oscar, who this afternoon was escorted by a King County Sheriff's deputy to the regional training center in Burien, where he—along with five of his fellow passengers—was given a meritorious service award for his help in stopping the assault. Congratulations to Oscar, who describes his award as "parchment in a green leather folder embossed with the King County insignia in gold." The wonderfully specific text: "To commend your actions when you intervened in an assault on a visually impaired woman on a Metro coach. The assault suspect was distracted and restrained by you and other passengers until King County deputies arrived on the scene. Your efforts kept the victim from suffering more serious injury." Hurrah for all.
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