We are always looking for new legitimate ways to contact our customers with information that would be truly helpful. For us that consists of both those who have purchased from us previously, and those who are somewhere in the decision making process.
In Seattle we have saved the emails of most of our previous customers and just sent out the following email that we hope will be valuable to them (either personally or to a friend of theirs).
Our next step will be to revise the email for those potential customers who have not been in the store for awhile.
Hopefully something like this will be useful for you to create your own email - showing off our new flooring products. We are especially thrilled about the Strand and the Acacia products, but of course they are all great! If you would like us to send you the "pretty version" just email or skype one of us at the Seattle store and we will send to you.
Main body of email includes
simpleFLOORS logo
New flooring products at Seattle simpleFLOORS!
We hope you are enjoying the flooring that you purchased from us in the past!
We are excited to have recently brought in some new flooring options and would be honored if you could share them with any friends you know are looking for a new floor in 2011.
New Products
Check out our new flooring options, all additions to current collections. We would be happy to send samples to you - just EMAIL US (link) and let us know which ones you would like.
Strand Bamboo additions - The great strength of Strand (3000 janka) with beautiful hand-scraped character on a 5" x 6' board. The four stains have the latest in design demand, perfect for commercial or residential applications.
also full collection links
Photo of each with a link to it was also listed (can send real email to you if you'd like to see it)
Terre Verte additions - Timeless style of smooth finished engineered wood. The new additions are Elm and Acacia with traditional stains.
Canton Elm, Amherst Elm , Bandera Elm, Desoto Elm, African Roma Walnut, Arpeggio, Acacia Walnut, Kazaar, and full collection links
Photo of each with a link to it was also listed (can send real email to you if you'd like to see it)
Old World Chisel additions - Subtle hand-scraped flooring with a satin finish create an elegant addition to any home.
Potomac maple, Richmond Eucalyptus, Natural Maple, Colonial Maple, and full collection links
Photo of each with a link to it was also listed (can send real email to you if you'd like to see it)
Envirocork additions - The "feel better" flooring!
Peniche, Quelez, and full collection links
Photo of each with a link to it was also listed (can send real email to you if you'd like to see it)
Of course we have our previous collections as well - here is a link to our main website to check out all our floors.
ALL our flooring
ODD LOT Specials (we detail listed them)
Please send me to a friend!
Then on the right side we have 3 featured articles..
Join Our Mailing List
If you know of any contractors or contacts within your company that you feel would benefit from
our newsletter updates and special offers please have them opt-in.
Best of 2010
I would have to say the photo contest was a "best of 2010". Customers got a chance to "show off" their beautiful new homes and also got a chance to win a trip! We received so many responses that were absolutely beautiful... we ended up expanding our contest from one winner to five winners!
Check out more real photos from customers
simpleFLOORS Helping the Hungry during the Holidays Featured Article
We are thankful that we work for a company that cares about not only it's employees and
customers... but also the communitıes we live and work in. Our latest promoıon is helping the hungry, and assist our customers in saving money.
Special Discount-
20+ cans of food (or $30 donatıon to Food Lifeline), save 10% off any floor (except clearance items)
Please note that 37% of the people Food Lifeline serves are children, so food geared towards kids is always appreciated!
Want to help? Call us at 206.508.2939 or VISIT Food Lifeline
New flooring products at Sea